Several studies have shown that the ketogenic diet can help improve health in conditions such as epilepsy, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and multiple sclerosis. This diet is also effective in reducing weight.
In this article, you'll learn about the menu, product listing, and a step-by-step guide for those starting their journey to the ketogenic diet. Read everything you need to know here.
What is the ketogenic diet?
Ketogenic diet, or it is also called the keto diet, has similarities to the famous Atkins diet - a diet high in fat, low in carbohydrates, and moderate in protein in the diet.
When carbohydrates are replaced by fat in the diet, the body is forced to use fat for energy.
How does the ketogenic diet work?
To maintain body tone, nutrition and brain function, energy is needed from food. Carbohydrates are the main and rapid source of energy, which are converted into glucose and saturate the body with energy. If there is not enough carbohydrate in the diet to feed the brain, the liver is forced to convert fatty deposits into ketones and fatty acids. This diet is remarkably effective at burning fat for energy. The body undergoes a metabolic change called ketosis, in which ketone bodies are transported to the brain and used for energy instead of glucose.
The ketogenic diet also has a positive effect on people with diabetes, as a low-carb diet leads to lower blood sugar and insulin levels.
Production:The ketogenic diet is a diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates. Forces the body to extract energy not from carbohydrates, but from ketones, using fat, as the blood sugar and insulin levels decrease.
Previously, the ketogenic diet was prescribed for children with epilepsy because an increase in ketone bodies in the blood (ketosis) reduces the incidence of epileptic seizures.
The ketogenic diet in the treatment of certain diseases
The mechanism and therapeutic effect of the keto diet has been studied and applied for a wide range of diseases:
- Alzheimer's disease;
- Autism;
- Multiple sclerosis;
- Parkinson's disease;
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
- Certain forms of cancer;
- Metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Ketogenic dietIt is also widely used by athletes involved in sports which require great bodily endurance. Most often it is triathlon, cycling, marathons, when the body efficiently burns fat as a source of energy in order to preserve glycogen stores in the liver during prolonged exertion.

The ketogenic diet for weight loss
The ketogenic or fatty diet is widely known in Poland, and this is not surprising, since paternity belongs to Jan Kwasniewski, a Polish nutritionist. The diet is not only successfully used for various diseases, but also with the help of a ketogenic diet, you can quickly lose weight by 2. 5-3 kg per week.
Weight loss is due to the lack of carbohydrate foods in the required diet: restriction of all simple carbohydrates, flour, sweet potatoes and even sweet potatoes. But during the keto diet, fatty foods are allowed: cheeses, lard, dairy products, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, meat, fatty fish, made from vegetables, you must give preference to fresh or frozen vegetables, low in carbohydrates and togreen leaves.
Types of ketogenic diet
Consider the 4 most common ketogenic diet options:
- Standard diet (SKD):a classic low-carbohydrate diet, with a predominance of foods high in fat and moderately protein in the diet. The ratios are: fat about 75%, protein 20% and carbohydrate only 5%.
- Cyclic Ketogenic Diet (CKD):during the period of this diet, it is possible to include high carbohydrate days, but no more than two in the seven days. You eat a standard keto diet five days a week and a high-carb diet for two days.
- Directed regime (CDD):such a ketogenic diet allows the addition of carbohydrates to the diet only during the training period, before or after it.
- High protein ketogenic diet:looks like the standard ketogenic diet, but the protein percentage increases. This involves up to 60% fat, 35% protein, and 5% carbohydrate.
However, athletes, athletes and bodybuilders are more likely to use cyclical and directed diet options, although standard ketogenic and high protein diets are now more studied.
In this article, we take a look at the classic version of the standard ketogenic diet, although other options have general principles.
Production:Today there are several options for the ketogenic diet, the most popular, recommended, and best studied of these is the standard keto diet.
How does the ketogenic diet help you lose weight?
The keto diet effectively helps reduce excess weight and is used as a prophylaxis for certain illnesses. The benefit of the diet is that weight loss occurs without counting boring calories, but only by cutting out carbohydrates, and has advantages over low fat diets.
This is demonstrated by a study which involved people divided into 2 groups, the first group adhered to a ketogenic diet, the second followed a low calorie and low fat diet, as a result, group 1 participants lost 2, 2 more weight. than group 2.
Production:The ketogenic diet has several advantages over low fat diets, allowing you to lose much more weight without feeling hungry. Decreased blood sugar and insulin levels and increased ketone counts also play an important role.

The ketogenic diet for diabetics
Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease characterized by insufficient insulin production, metabolic disorders associated with glucose uptake.
Eating a ketogenic diet can help burn fat and lower blood sugar levels, which is relevant for people with type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and metabolic syndrome.
One study found that a ketogenic diet improved insulin sensitivity by 75%. As a result of a study in which 21 patients with type 2 diabetes participated, it was found that 7 subjects significantly improved their general well-being and could stop taking diabetes medication. This weight loss is a big plus for people with type 2 diabetes.
Another study showed that the ketogenic diet was very effective in which participants lost 10 kg, which is different from the comparison group, whose participants ate a high-carbohydrate diet and lost only 7 kg. Additionally, 90% of the ketogenic group were able to withdraw from drug treatment, compared to 60% of the high-carb group.
Production:a ketogenic diet can safely reduce weight and dramatically improve the well-being of type 2 diabetics.
Diseases for which the ketogenic diet is considered beneficial
This type of diet was previously used to treat children with epilepsy.
The therapeutic effect of the ketogenic diet is beneficial for various neurological diseases:
- Cancer.The diet is part of metabolic therapy for certain types of cancer, the most promising being its use for glioblastoma.
- Alzheimer's disease.Research in 2018 showed a positive effect of using a ketogenic diet, as ketone bodies correct energy deficits, resulting in slower disease progression.
- Epilepsy.Ketones in the blood reduce the incidence of epileptic seizures in children, as a result of the study, in 90% of difficult cases of epilepsy, an improvement in the state of the diet for 6 to 12month has been found.
- Parkinson's disease.The ketogenic diet has been shown to have neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore has a potential therapeutic effect in this disease.
- Multiple sclerosis.The ketogenic diet has been shown to have neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties which also improve the course of this disease.
- Type II diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome.It improves insulin resistance, lipid profile and lowers the risk of heart disease.
- Type 1 diabetes mellitus.Improves blood sugar control, reduces the risk of hypoglycemia.
- Autism.The diet may be effective for hypometabolism in the brain, and due to its neuroprotective properties, the ketogenic diet has good therapeutic potential for this disease.
It should be borne in mind that to date, the quantity and quality of some studies have not been sufficient to recommend it to all patients without exception.
Foods prohibited while on the keto diet
Prohibited foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates. This list of foods that should be eliminated completely or minimized as much as possible with a ketogenic diet:
- Foods high in sugar:soda, juices, smoothies, cakes, ice creams, pastries, rolls, candies, chips, marmalade, marshmallows and more.
- Cereals or starches:wheat products, bread, rice, pasta, grains, baked goods and more.
- Fruits:all fruits except small portions of berries such as strawberries.
- Legumes: peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas.
- Root and tuber vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, etc.
- Low fat and dietetic foods:they have gone through many processing stages and most often contain a lot of carbohydrate.
- Condiments and sauces:some contain sugar and unhealthy fats, mayonnaise, ketchup and others.
- Harmful fats:Cut down on processed vegetable oils, processed trans fats, hydrogenated fats including margarine.
- Alcohol:Due to their high carbohydrate content, many alcoholic drinks can get you out of ketosis.
- Diet foods without sugar:they are often filled with other chemical fillers that affect ketone levels. These foods are also generally heavily processed.
Production:Avoid refined, carbohydrate-rich foods made from white flour, sugar, legumes, rice, potatoes, candy, most fruits, and berries.
Foods you can eat on a ketogenic diet
If you decide to try the ketogenic diet, you need to know what you can eat, your meals while on this diet should consist of these foods:
- A fish: catfish, cod, plaice, halibut, mackerel, mahi-mahi, salmon, perch, trout, tuna and mackerel. Wild salmon, tuna, trout, and shellfish are especially beneficial because they can help provide a balanced omega-3 diet.
- Seafood:shellfish, oysters, lobsters, crabs, scallops, mussels and squid.
- Whole eggs:if possible, it is necessary to eat eggs from hens raised in the open air. You can cook them in different ways, fried and boiled.
- Beef:beef, steak, roasts and stews, make sure the fillet is denser.
- Pork:Pork loin, pork chops, tenderloin and ham, watch out for sugar and try to stick to lean meats.
- Bird:chicken, goose, turkey, duck, quail, pheasant and other game.
- Waste: heart, liver, kidneys and tongue, stomach, some of the best sources of vitamins and nutrients.
- Other types of meat: Veal, goat, lamb, rabbit and other wild meats, stick to denser meats.
- Bacon and sausages:carefully read the composition to exclude the presence of sugar and other additives.
- Cheese:unprocessed cheeses (cheddar, goat cheese, cream, blue cheese and mozzarella).
- Nuts and seeds:almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, flax and pumpkin seeds, chia seeds.
- Useful oils:first of all, natural olive and coconut oil, avocado oil.
- Lawyer:whole avocado or freshly baked guacamole.
- Low-carb vegetables:all green and non-starchy vegetables, as well as tomatoes, onions and peppers.
- Seasonings:salt, pepper and various herbs.
- Butter and cream:eat natural, plant-based foods.
Production:Most of the diet consists of meat, fish, eggs, oils, nuts, avocados, coconuts and many vegetables with minimal carbohydrates. Whole food with one ingredient is ideal.
What to eat on a ketogenic diet?
If you are hungry, you should give preference to these beneficial ketogenic snacks:
- A piece of fatty fish or a piece of boiled meat.
- A handful of seeds or nuts.
- Buttered cheese or just cheese.
- Hard-boiled chicken or quail eggs 1-2 pieces.
- Bitter chocolate with a cocoa content of 80 to 90%.
- Low carb milkshake with almond milk, cocoa and nut butter.
- Mix of fatty yogurt with nut butter and cocoa.
- Strawberries and cream.
- Celery with salsa and guacamole.
Production:A good snack on a ketogenic diet is a piece of fish, meat, cheese, butter, hard-boiled eggs, nuts, and dark chocolate.
How to eat out if you are on a ketogenic diet?
In any cafe or restaurant, you can easily find plenty of items on the menu that fit a ketogenic diet. Almost all the cafes and restaurants have meat, fish snacks, and side dishes, so feel free to order them with low-carb veggies. Skewers, kebabs, meat, and grilled fish are great if you're on a ketogenic diet.
Egg dishes are also great - order your own omelet or eggs with bacon and avocado. Another option is cheese, a plate of veg, just make sure the veg is low in carbs.
In Mexican restaurants, taste all kinds of meats and cheeses, guacamole, salsa or sour cream. For dessert, ask for a mixture of cheese or double cream with berries.
Production:At restaurants, order meats, fish, cheeses, avocados, eggs, bacon, and low-starch vegetables.
Possible side effects of the ketogenic diet and how to minimize them?
When changes do occur it concerns climate, nutrition, diet and other things, a person has their own individual sensitivity and periods of adaptation, the ketogenic diet is no exception and can have an adverse effect onthe body, which manifests itself in the so-called"Keto flu", which passes in a few days.
Symptoms "keto flu "include feelings of strong hunger, distraction, lack of strength and energy, sleep disturbances, nausea, headaches, abdominal discomfort, decreased mental and physical performance.
To minimize side effects, consume enough clean water, get enough sleep, avoid overuse, add foods high in potassium (green leafy vegetables, avocados) to your diet, and moderate amounts of salt to taste will help maintain a healthy diet. healthy electrolyte balance in the body. . Reduce the negative manifestation "keto flu "Eating enough healthy fats will help, and gradually reducing carbs in the diet slowly can make it easier to switch to keto and reduce symptoms. "keto flu ". . .
Important:The ketogenic diet can also alter the body's water and mineral balance, so additional salt in foods or mineral supplements may be needed.
When it comes to supplementation, supplementation with mineral supplements, especially sodium, potassium, and magnesium, should be taken while on a ketogenic diet to reduce side effects. The method of application and dosage will help you choose a specialist
When switching to a ketogenic diet, especially at the very beginning, you need to eat your fill and avoid calorie restriction as keto food allows you to shed extra pounds without counting and limit calories.
Production:The "keto flu" and other side effects of the diet will be minimal if you follow certain rules, especially you need to pay attention to proper drinking regimen, salt and mineral supplements in food.
Supplements for the ketogenic diet
Additional supplements during the diet are not necessary, however, some of them may be of benefit.
- Minerals:salt and minerals are essential at the start of the journey to normalize the electrolyte balance.
- Caffeine:The caffeine in coffee can help fill the energy deficit associated with adjusting to a new diet, as well as weight loss.
- Exogenous ketones: in consultation with the doctor, in order to further increase the level of ketones.
- Creatine:a substance of natural origin, will help to increase the endurance of the body and, in combination with physical training, will help to lose weight even more effectively.
- Serum:A healthy source of protein, use half of your whey protein in shakes or yogurt to increase your total protein intake.
Production:Some supplements are beneficial for the ketogenic diet, look for exogenous ketones, whey, and minerals.

Answers to frequently asked questions for those who have switched to a ketogenic diet
Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the ketogenic diet.
Can you start eating carbohydrates again?
Yes, the main condition is to exclude them at the initial stage of the ketogenic diet. 2-3 months after starting the diet, you will be able to consume carbohydrates on special occasions or on vacation, and then immediately resume the diet.
Will muscle mass disappear?
Risks of muscle loss are possible with any diet, a large amount of protein and a high level of ketones will help level them, especially if you play sports that require high body endurance or dumbbells.
Can You Build Muscle On A Ketogenic Diet?
It is possible, but it will turn out to be slower than with diets where the carbohydrate content of the diet is moderate.
Should I "fill up" on carbs before a ketogenic diet?
Not necessary. However, it is best to have a few high calorie days before starting the diet.
How much protein should you eat per day?
Excessive amounts of protein can lead to higher insulin levels and a decrease in the number of ketone bodies. A moderate protein intake is recommended, about 35% of the total calorie intake.
What if you constantly feel tired?
This means that you have not yet reached a state of increased blood ketone levels. It is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates, monitor the diet of alcohol consumption, add additional salt and minerals to the diet.
Why does urine smell like fruit?
That's okay, it's a hallmark of ketone byproducts.
I have bad breath, what should I do?
A common side effect of the ketogenic diet is increasing the amount of water consumed, and regular chewing gum will help as well.
Is the state of ketosis dangerous for your health?
The main thing is not to confuse ketosis with ketoacidosis. The state of ketosis is quite natural, it is a variation of the norm, it is not harmful to health, and ketoacidosis occurs with an uncontrolled diet and it is he who is really considered dangerous.
What to do with digestive problems and diarrhea?
Another side effect of the ketogenic diet that should go away within a month. If the problems persist, include vegetables that are high in fiber and magnesium.
Are there any contraindications to the ketogenic diet and is it not suitable for everyone?
- The ketogenic diet is effective and suitable for overweight people with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and anyone who wants to improve their metabolism.
- It is less suitable for athletes looking to gain muscle mass or body weight.
- The ketogenic diet will only work to burn fat if you stick to it for an extended period of time.
- The ketogenic diet is great, it's a way of eating that allows you to lose weight quickly and safely while improving your health.
Approximate 7-Day Ketogenic Diet Menu
To help you out, we've got a ready-made ketogenic menu for one week:
1 day of ketogenic meal
- Breakfast:scrambled eggs with bacon and cherry tomatoes.
- Having dinner:Chicken salad with olive oil, herbs and feta cheese.
- Nibble:cheese bread;
- Having dinner:Grilled salmon with asparagus in butter.
2 days of ketogenic food
- Breakfast: eggs, tomatoes, goat cheese omelet and basil.
- Having dinner:almond milk, coconut oil, cocoa stevia cocktail.
- Nibble:nuts.
- Having dinner:turkey meatballs, cheddar cheese and boiled vegetables.
3 day of ketogenic nutrition
- Breakfast:ketogenic milkshake, a handful of nuts.
- Having dinner:salad of shrimps and mussels with herbs, avocado and olive oil.
- Nibble:lawyer.
- Having dinner:Pork chops with parmesan, salad and broccoli.
4th day of ketogenic nutrition
- Breakfast:cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of honey.
- Having dinner:beef beans, cherry tomatoes.
- Nibble:lawyer.
- Having dinner:tuna salad, beans and eggs, bread.
5 days of ketogenic nutrition
- Breakfast:berry curd casserole.
- Having dinner: 30 gr of buckwheat, grilled chicken drumstick.
- Nibble: lawyer.
- Having dinner:salad of radishes, cherries and cucumbers, baked salmon with herbs.
6 days of ketogenic nutrition
- Breakfast: cheese omelet, grapefruit.
- Having dinner:salad of trout, mozzarella, cucumber and cherry.
- Nibble: a mixture of nuts.
- Having dinner:vegetable ratatouille and pork kebab.
7 day of ketogenic nutrition
- Breakfast:scrambled eggs with green beans.
- Having dinner:Bean stews with squid.
- Nibble: lawyer.
- Having dinner:salad of cherry tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, capsulers and peppers, grilled beef.
This is an approximate ketogenic menu for a week, you should also remember to drink at least 2 to 2. 5 liters of pure water per day, you can add mint or lemon to it for taste. Drinks allowed: tea, coffee without sugar or chicory.
The keto diet: the before and after results, photos

Warning!If you decide to start a ketogenic diet, you need to consult a specialist!